Working with HOT pitch can be dangerous. It can burn you and I mean really badly. Here is what happened to me today.
I am working on another tin. A bit one, for a Valentine Day present. The tin is oval and tall (over 3") so to work on the sides, I have to sink it, one side down, into the pitch so I can work on one side that is facing upwards. Since the tin has to go in almost half way, the pitch has to be warm so you can push it in.
Well, the pitch was warm, too warm. My hand slipped and my left index finger went into the oozy, gooey, HOT pitch. OH did it hurt and pulling the pitch off, pulled the skin too.
This is my second industrial accident with Chasing & Repousse. The first was when I was learning to make tools and a hot tool I was forging touched my hand. But only two accidents in almost 5 years.. I think I am doing ok.
I have iced it well and slathered it in Neosporin and it is also bandaged well. The nerves are still screaming, I might have to apply some medicine from the inside; the liquid kind as well.