I am starting a new drawing inspired by the fallen Ash leaves in my drive way which will be the first art of 2025, stay tuned.
Back in 2014 I participated in an art project called A Hundred For One. I made a link for the project of a baby squid based upon an image from a book of plates by a 1700's Naturalist Albertus Seba. I decided during Studio I to draw the plates. I did the front of the squid in the beginning of December, it took 3 attempts to get the proportions correct. I then traced it and transferred it to a clean piece of paper so I could color it. I then started on the back which then got put on hold due to finals and other tasks that had to be taken care of, around the house, when the semester ended. I slowly finished the sketch, transferred it a fresh sheet of paper and yesterday I spent the afternoon coloring it. I am starting a new drawing inspired by the fallen Ash leaves in my drive way which will be the first art of 2025, stay tuned. The semester has ended and there were a few final projects and some drawing I did at home.
I finished drawing the squid and coloring it. I drew the bell pepper again, twice and then colored it with water color pencils and regular colored pencils. I also made a cardboard assembly of mid-century modern shapes to invoke a feeling/emotion; thenI set up a light to cast shadows on the wall. It was then colored - I chose various blues to add to my feeling of "chill"/cozy. I now get to relax until the next semester starts in mid-January It's been a busy time. Reading and writing essays for College Writing; drawing, sketching, cutting, gluing, and coloring for Studio I; and making collages, constructing wire frames and other 3D art for Core I. I am also doing extra drawings in an attempt to improve my drawing skills. The pictures below are done with watercolor paint and pencils, charcoal, graphite pencil, colored pencils, cyanotype (chemical sun prints), markers, india ink, 16 g and 18 g mild steel wire, pages from magazines, acorns, lichen, and tree branches.
I thought I would post more pictures from both art classes and my extra sketches. Not everything is here and they are not in any order but I hope you enjoy them. Most of my drawings have been still life's so I was challenged in class to draw from life. I have wanted to do this but have been a bit scared because, even though I am getting better, at times I don't the the perspective or proportions correct. So I went through my phone and found a good close up of Boots' nose and asked if that would be acceptable and I was given not only a resounding YES but an awww. The teacher said I could grid the picture and my drawing paper to assist in getting the proportions and scale correct. The other thing that helped me was that over the past two weeks we have been working in charcoal to get all shades of white, gray, black and everything in-between. I was going to use just colored pencils only to find out I did not have one that was black. I ended up using the water color pencils with and without water, some colored pencils, and a bit of water color paint for the whiskers in places. The 3 most prevelent colors are black for her fur and black plus gray for those those transition areas.
The last image is Boots' response to her portrait as posted on FB. Here are sketches/drawings/paintings from Studio I. We have to do two sketches each week, as homework and show them in class the following week and some pictures are homework for over the weekend from an in-class assignment. On the left is the image to do, on the right is the result. They are not in the order they were done or assigned.
I am NOT killing off The Adventurous Silversmith!
As a matter of fact, it's going to come back with gusto. Here's what's happening but first the back story When we moved to Texas, I looked into Texas State - San Marcos (TXST-SM) which is 30 miles up the road and they have a Metals program in the Art Department; it's part of the B.F.A in Studio Art program. I could go but it would best if I waited a year to qualify for Texas state residency to save a lot of money for the tuition. In addition to working, going back to school would have to wait until I retired. I also found out that I could take the classes as a non-degree student but I would have the lowest priority when registering for classes. Then I forgot all about this idea. I retired and then the Shop Elf passed away and my life was taken over by many other things that had to be done. Several months I was in the studio, which was a disaster area, to start cleaning it and I found the file that had the information and I decided to look into to program it again. And here's what I found
Now I have to take New Student Orientation, schedule and meet with my department Advisor, register and pay for the Fall semester classes. I start classes at the end of August AND CLEAN MY STUDIO |
January 2025