Back in 2010 I took a tool making class at Metals Week in Idyllwild, California. This was a week long class where I made straight and curved liners, a large mushroom pusher, a few small pushers and I also learned to customize a hammer. I have also learned tool making from Nancy Megan Corwin; so I do know how to make them. I just don't do it very often.
Then there are those time where you want to make a tool for that special project.
A week ago I finished the teaching sample for the squash blossom cuff. And I had the tools to do it. But I was making it, I thought that making a tool that would make the making of the points of the blossoms easier would be nice - a tear drop. I also could use a small-er round tool for counter sinking the petals of the round flowers. So what the heck, lets make them and not only would making my cuff be easier, the students in my workshop, next weekend, could use them too.
Friday night I went into my tool blank drawer and found two small punches, a pre-shaped tool blank and a tagane blank (a Japanese chasing tool blank) all just begging to be worked on.
The two punches were 1/32" and 3/32" in diameter so they would be the micro-rounds I would make. The pre-shaped tool blank would be the micro tear drop and for the tanage blank, a nano half round.
Yesterday, I did the annealing and shaping. After that I took a nap because I am still sick and not sleeping well. Today I hardened them, removed the scale, polished and the tempered them. They are now ready for use.
Enjoy the pictures and remember, clicking on one will open it in a new, larger window and from there, you can scroll through them all. And a thank you goes to the shop elf who took the pictures while I was hardening the tools.