I would like to encourage you to shop your local artists and give hand made presents this year; and I am not just referring to metals you could give a present that is sewn, knitted, wood , painted, and more.
Buy local too! Find out if there is an art guild in your area, go to a good art fair, ask friends, even GOOGLE it.
AND DO NOT haggle on the price. Is the cost of a Rembrandt just the price of the paint? I think not.
These artisans work hard at their craft and take pride in their work. Do not forget to ask them questions to find out about them and the piece you are purchasing and ask about how to care for the piece you buy.
Maybe next year, you might consider commissioning a piece
I don't have much for sale this year; due to the relocation and starting a new job but I will promote (now), the calendar, for the Chasing & Repousse Facebook group I administer, that has been put together. This calendar has 12 great pieces of work for you to enjoy through the year and it is not very expensive. It is printed and shipped directly to you by CafePress.
Buy it, you might like it. Here is the link.