To that end, one has to start teaching to develop the class material and proficiency of standing in front of a group and imparting your knowledge, when teaching .
Back when I was a consultant, road warrior and known at the "portlet gadget queen" part of my job responsibilities included being a technical trainer. I would stand up in front of a class of IT people and teach them using the software my company developed: how to set up their servers; administer the portal; use the portal to impart knowledge to their employees, customers, and vendors; and how to code their own add-ins known as portlets. These classes would be from one to three days and have as few as 4 students and as many as 20.
I know how to make presentations.
I know how to teach.
I have shared my metals knowledge one-on-one.
I have only taught one jewelry project before which was to small class (Viking Knit Bracelet).
I am now scheduled to teach 3 classes over the next few months at the Palomar Gem & Mineral Club in Escondido, California. Teaching these classes will not only fill in their workshop schedule but more importantly allow me to develop and refine the teaching materials for these classes and those yet to come.
Here is what I will be teaching:
- Viking Knit Bracelet - November ( see picture below)
- Synclastic Cuff with Texture - January
- Coiled Cuff - February
To signup for classes given by the club you must be a member of the club but you can become a member and sign up for classes at the same time.
See you there.