So, Doug sent me some pictures from the book. I sent back a picture of some tins I had that could be used as well as some ideas of how to put Paul and Bernadette on the tin. Once I got the go a head, I spent 3 weekends (in between two other trips I had scheduled but could not cancel) making the tin which include not only the chasing & repousse but coloring it and then lining it with green velvet. I delivered the tin last Wednesday and I thought Doug might actually cry. To say he was pleased would be an understatement. Here is what he sent me on Thursday:
Well, I want to thank you again for this extraordinary work. It does exceed my expectations and brings a tremendous heart to the object. Another way of sharing this feeling with you is that I will be very proud to give it to Judy and feel that it is a proper exaltation of our Love. That says a lot..."
This morning I took the process photos I took during the making of the tin and made a small movie (see below). I sent the movie to Doug and he wrote back:
".Judy was out shopping when I watched this.
I had no idea....broke down. Wow Wow Wow.
I'm sending this to Rosy Lamb as soon as I give the gift to J.
And to Peter, of course.
Heartfelt thanks!
watched it again full screen and cried again.
Now, to show her the film, watch her "get it" and give her the box, or vice versa?
My suggestion was to place the present (wrapped of course) on the table in front of her. And say that before she opens it, she has to watch another present… the movie. Then I would show it on the biggest computer (or TV screen) you can get it on. THEN have her open the present. You will get major points for it! Oh and have tissues ready too.
So, my readers, by the time you read this post Judy will have been given her present for Valentines Day.