For this months project, I decided to do an altoid tin as a present for a friend. I used a palmette which is a palm leaf design that go back to the early Greek and Egyptian civilizations.
This project was completed over the course of 2.5 days. The lining was done Thursday night, Saturday I started the repousse. Today I finished the repousse, a bit of re-lining and the texturing around the design.
Project Name: Palmette Tin.
Material: Altoid Tin which is a soft tin plate (tin plated steel) that is about gauge 28 (.4mm) thick.
Major Points:
These tins are thin! so care must be taken NOT to cause a split or crack. This is the 5th tin I have done and the first had lots of splits and on this project there were NONE.
Lessons Learned:
I used Adobe Illustrator to refine the design and I learned how to do a few new things as a result.