What do you think of my new log and redesigned website??
Why the change?
Well, I have always wanted a nice logo and since I was paid for an upcoming article in Art Jewelry Magazine, I thought I could take that money and fund the logo design.
I found a design firm (The Firehouse Collective) in the area and we discussed my requirements: logo, colors for website and business card and that I could do the website redesign myself. We came to an agreement on price that was within my budget and voila about 3 weeks later I had everything in my inbox. Yes, we only met once to do the final selection of colors.
And today less than one week later after staying up late and working on this through lunch I we also have a new website.
I still have a few things left to do
- Get the business cards made
- Get a touchmark/stamp made for putting on metal
- Fixing some images here on the website and a few other geeky items
I hope you like it as much as I do