There were a few pictures of some tools that are not part of either of these sets so off to her actual website I went. On one page I did find further images of these tools - they are available for custom order - COOL.
As I wandered around, not having been a visitor for a while I found the Testimonial page. And there, at the top of the page was quote/testimonial from Nancy Megan Corwin; and to my surprise as I read it I realized that she was talking about ME in the third person! OMG
I even remember when it happened. NMC was back in San Diego for another workshop (my second with her) and I had recently received my set of Nechamkin tools and had taken them to the workshop with me. During the discussion about the different tools used during the process Megan mentioned that a new set was available commercially and of course I chimed in that I had the set with me. So out they came and we all looked at them. Over the next three days I proceeded to make a texture wheel based upon the wheel on the Nechamkin website and here is mine below. One night, during the workshop, I even left the tools with Megan so she could try them.
Now, over a year later, I find a quote that mentions those events - way cool. If you scroll down to the second picture below, you can read that quote.