Someone on eBay was selling their wife's stakes and hammers. Via email, since I had some questions about them, I found out that yes, she had been a metalsmith but was no longer working in metal.
There were probably a dozen different stakes up for auction but 4 really caught my eye. Three stakes were for angle raising and one was a spoon stake.
So I set my bids and watched the auctions for a week. I WON all four.
They arrived on Wednesday and my husband, who is my support crew in this endeavor, took them to the garage to polish up the surfaces. Here are a before and after picture of the 3 larger stakes (click on the images to get a bigger picture).
A friend has asked me how many stakes and hammers I have now, I to be honest I don't know the count of either. So later today I will take inventory and post pictures and numbers.