To start, I put the thermistor (the sensor) in the oven via the vent hole on the top. I set the oven up to use one of the pre-programmed heating schedules for PMC and turned the oven on. I found for this first test, that at the lower temps the difference was off by 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit and as the kiln got up to temperature and into the hold range, the temperature differential between the two read outs was either spot on or within 5 degrees.
For my second test, now that the kiln was already hot, again kiln was a bit lower in temperature but well within a 5 degree window of the pyrometer read out.
It should be noted my sensor was in the middle of the kill in relation to the four walls and in the upper quarter of the height of the kiln but the internal sensor is located in the middle of the back wall. That may be why my sensor was a bit warmer.
Today I am annealing and then picking my copper disk that I will be using for my experiments. Then they will be read to be stamped them with the codes for the various experiments which will start next week.