Besides Core II this semester, I am also taking Beginning Drawing and Studio II. Studio II is another foundation course and it "centers around instruction in and hands-on student experience with three- and four-dimensional artmaking. The incorporation of drawing, collage, and collaborative processes invites interdisciplinary outcomes and multimodal, contemporary artmaking methods."
Our first project was about an assemblage/3D collage /sculpture using found objects - specifically GARBAGE we found while walking around. Last weekend I walked the road my house is on and found little things like a dead pack of cigarettes, bottle caps, crushed beer cans, a piece of rope, candy wrapper to name a few. Then I went into the woods of the lot I own, next to the house. There I found deer bones and antler, a beer bottle, a sponge, branches with lichen and tufts of the plant that grows on the oak trees, broken terra cotta shards and planter,a plastic glove, and more.
Once inside I laid them out and just started grouping the items and placing things on each other. I had no preconceived idea of what it would be but once I put the antler down with the board on top and then started to look at the deer jaws I saw a boat with sails - I went with it. One terra cotta shard looked like a keel so that was put on the underside. A vertebrea was put on the front like a bow sprit and I just kept going.
It now is a weird spider boaty thingy that looks different from the side, front or back. Here's two pictures
Our first project was about an assemblage/3D collage /sculpture using found objects - specifically GARBAGE we found while walking around. Last weekend I walked the road my house is on and found little things like a dead pack of cigarettes, bottle caps, crushed beer cans, a piece of rope, candy wrapper to name a few. Then I went into the woods of the lot I own, next to the house. There I found deer bones and antler, a beer bottle, a sponge, branches with lichen and tufts of the plant that grows on the oak trees, broken terra cotta shards and planter,a plastic glove, and more.
Once inside I laid them out and just started grouping the items and placing things on each other. I had no preconceived idea of what it would be but once I put the antler down with the board on top and then started to look at the deer jaws I saw a boat with sails - I went with it. One terra cotta shard looked like a keel so that was put on the underside. A vertebrea was put on the front like a bow sprit and I just kept going.
It now is a weird spider boaty thingy that looks different from the side, front or back. Here's two pictures